Map Catalog

Friday, December 4, 2009

Lorenz Curve

The Lorenz Curve is a graph that displays variables by their distributed proportions, assumed by the bottom (y) % of their values. This is measured by the line of equality, the further the lorenz curve lies below the line of equality, the more unequal the distribution of the two variables are. In this example observing households with income, so the more the lorenz curve moves away from the line of equality, the more unequal the distribution of income is.

Index Value Plot

Index Value Plots are not based upon quantitative numbers, but rather upon a basis of highs medians and lows, with regards to the variable being observed. The variable in the above plot is the average stream flow index of a ten year period , so the standards are based upon whether the results were wet (high), normal (median) or dry (low).


 A Scatterplot compares two variables together to determine whether or not a relationship exists between the results. The values are represented by dots placed respectively on the graph and after all the data is plotted an average slope can be determined. The above scatterplot shows the relationship between a persons income and the years of experience they have. It shows that with increasing years of experince, the income increases as well, creating a positive slope.

Population Profile

Population Profiles display the number of people in a certain population or category, as a comparative function of their age and sex type. The graph above is displaying the percentages of immigrants to the US. They are separated directly down the middle by sex type and then placed in age groups vertically and display the calculated percentage horizontally. The results seems to show a bell shaped curve with very close similarity between males and females.


Climographs display precipitation and temperature variable on the same chart for a certain location. Precipitation is represented by a bar graph, and temperature is represented with a line graph. This allows you to moniter the trends of rainfall and temperature and how they correlate with one another. The above climograph was observed in Western Mexico. As you can see the two variables do display similar patterns in relation to one another.


A Wind rose is a graphic tool that shows the variation of wind speed and direction that is typically distributed at a certain location. The above wind rose is showing the wind speed in relation to direction of Seattle. It shows the different strengths of the speed as increasing or decreasing (classified by colors) related to  the navigational direction the strength is increasing or decreasing towards.

Triangular Plot

Triangular Plots are used to graphically depict ratios and amounts in comparison with one another. They are often used when referring to chemical equations, to determine the amount of each substance needed for a reaction to occur. The example above is plotting the results from the chemical analysis of igneous rock. I think this is a much easier way to examine such intense complex mathematical features.