Map Catalog

Friday, December 4, 2009

Lorenz Curve

The Lorenz Curve is a graph that displays variables by their distributed proportions, assumed by the bottom (y) % of their values. This is measured by the line of equality, the further the lorenz curve lies below the line of equality, the more unequal the distribution of the two variables are. In this example observing households with income, so the more the lorenz curve moves away from the line of equality, the more unequal the distribution of income is.

Index Value Plot

Index Value Plots are not based upon quantitative numbers, but rather upon a basis of highs medians and lows, with regards to the variable being observed. The variable in the above plot is the average stream flow index of a ten year period , so the standards are based upon whether the results were wet (high), normal (median) or dry (low).


 A Scatterplot compares two variables together to determine whether or not a relationship exists between the results. The values are represented by dots placed respectively on the graph and after all the data is plotted an average slope can be determined. The above scatterplot shows the relationship between a persons income and the years of experience they have. It shows that with increasing years of experince, the income increases as well, creating a positive slope.

Population Profile

Population Profiles display the number of people in a certain population or category, as a comparative function of their age and sex type. The graph above is displaying the percentages of immigrants to the US. They are separated directly down the middle by sex type and then placed in age groups vertically and display the calculated percentage horizontally. The results seems to show a bell shaped curve with very close similarity between males and females.


Climographs display precipitation and temperature variable on the same chart for a certain location. Precipitation is represented by a bar graph, and temperature is represented with a line graph. This allows you to moniter the trends of rainfall and temperature and how they correlate with one another. The above climograph was observed in Western Mexico. As you can see the two variables do display similar patterns in relation to one another.


A Wind rose is a graphic tool that shows the variation of wind speed and direction that is typically distributed at a certain location. The above wind rose is showing the wind speed in relation to direction of Seattle. It shows the different strengths of the speed as increasing or decreasing (classified by colors) related to  the navigational direction the strength is increasing or decreasing towards.

Triangular Plot

Triangular Plots are used to graphically depict ratios and amounts in comparison with one another. They are often used when referring to chemical equations, to determine the amount of each substance needed for a reaction to occur. The example above is plotting the results from the chemical analysis of igneous rock. I think this is a much easier way to examine such intense complex mathematical features.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

Parallel Coordinate Graph displays the relationship between numerous variables. The coordinates of all these variable are plotted on a vertical access. This allows you to view lots of data compared to one another, in a way that shows the results one on top of another. Using shading or color scale to represent these different variables allows the viewer to distinguish them form one another.


Histograms represent frequencies or data shown as rectangular bars. The height of these bars is determined by numerical intervals of equal size. The above histogram is showing the scores students received on a final exam. This is a good use for the histogram because it visually compares the frequency of the scores of all the students in the class.

Box Plot

Box Plots display a set of numerical data based on their five-number summaries: the smallest observation( sample minimum), lower quartile (Q1), median quartile (Q2), upper quartile (Q3), and largest observation (sample maximum). They also display data that would be considered an outlier. The box plot above is showing information gathered about the water quality of Volunteer Creek. This is a good way to determine the most common results, compared to abnormally high or low results.

Stem and Leaf Plot

Stem and Leaf Plots presents quantitative data in a graph-like way, but is also similar to a histogram, this helps the viewers visualize the shape of a distribution. Their results can show trends such as , bell shape curve, U-shape curve, J shaped or uniform. The plot above is most similar to a bell-shaped curve.

Similarity Matrix

A Similarity Matrix measures and expresses the similarity and range of two data points. The level of similarity is represented by the changing colors. The above matrix is displaying the similarity between genes, used to analyze health issues in the medical field.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Correlation Matrix

A Correlation Matrix describes the correlation among variables and data. Above is a calculated correlation matrix for the protein Phage T7. Their behaviors range form high (red) to low (blue), while the red blocks represent proteins involved in phage assembly.

Star Plot

Star Plots are a way to display multivariate data in a 2-D of three or more quantitative variables which are represented on axes all beginning at the same origin. The graph above shows the accuracy and success of one metric factor with regards to how it effects the others, the most desirable outcome results are located in the center.

Standardized Choropleth Map

Standardized Choropleth Maps show data which is averaged and distributed among the different areas. This data can be displayed in many different ways such as percentages or densities. The map above shows us the percentages of population of 14 year olds in Canada.

Univariate Choropleth Map

Univariate Choropleth Maps only display a single variable or attribute on map. The example above is displaying the Acres of Hay harvested in 2002. The amounts are categorized by color shading the counties among the states in the US. Even though this is a univariate map, you can see by the increase in size of the county how the acres harvested increases as well. More land equals more hay harvested.

Bivariate Choropleth Map

Bivariate Choropleth Maps display 2 variables on a single map by combining 2 different types of graphic representations. The map above shows 2 seperate variables, graduated circle (point variables) to represent median house values and color shading to represent the population, all conjoined into the same map. This makes comparing variables very easy and interpretable.

Unclassed Choropleth Map

Unclassed Choropleth Maps display shaded and color intensities corresponding with the data values, so there is no classification type. This map of populations in poland does not have a classification method, however the information, when viewed on a computer, allows you to view the population attribute table for each region by guiding your computer mouse over the specified area.

Classed Choropleth Map

A Classed Choropleth Map displays information with color intensity or shading of a specified classification map.This map is showing us the percentages of low birth weight among towns in Connecticut, using an equal interval classification to display the spatial distribution of the low birth weight variable.

Range Graded Proportional Circle Map

Range Graded Proportional Circle Maps depicts the circles in relation to the ranges of the data being recorded. The map key above is a sample to show how range graded circles are visually different than other proportional circle maps.

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map uses circles which are scale-related to the specific data. The circles are in proportion with the variables being measured. In the above images there are 4 seperate maps displaying the distribution of Zinc, Lead, Mercury and Barium. Each map is of the same area of Canada but the 4 different circle variable distributions allows you to compare them to one another.


DOQQ's (digital orthophoto quarter quads) are digital images of high altitude aerial photos. This is a project involving DOQQ images where angle and surface variation displacements have been removed. It is taken in Texas and is one of  many DOQQ images.


DEM's (Digital Elevation Models) are rasters that represent ground surface topography and terrain. This representation was created by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), using the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) instrument on the Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite to provide this elevation grid.


DLG's (Digital Line Graph) display a wide variety of geographic features. This specific map of the Lake Tahoe area is a conjunction of 3 different features, rivers, lakes and vegetation. All of these features in one map is convenient for viewing the area as a whole.


DRG's (Digital Raster Graphics) are scanned images of USGS Topographic maps that can be located by quadrants, counties or one degree blocks. They include all standard key map information. This is a DRG of an area in Texas. As you can see, practically all types of features are prominent, cultural, physical and landmark feautures as well.


Isopleths are contour maps that represent  various data such as, temperature, rain, wind, pressure, etc. This map shows the 50 year averages of north to south winds as a function of the latitude and time of year (months). These guidelines were constructed to help observe salmon migration, brought on by the transition into spring, which is brought on by the reversal of winds. So even though it is only displaying wind speed, this can  be an identifying factor in other questions and categories.


Isopach is a type of contour line that connects points of equal thickness of a geological formation. This is a generalized image of the moons thickness. This was one of the features that was studied in the Apollo Program, to help achieve knowledge of the moons features."This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."-Neil Armstrong.


Isohyets are contour lines joining points of equal precipitation on a map. This Isohyet map is showing the gulf coasts' estimated rainfall from Hurricane Georges. Rainfall in Florida is very important to measure and observe, because it is such a low lying flatland state, a certain large amount of rainfall could be devasting and flood many coastal areas. That is why rainfall is an i mportant mapping procedure, especially in Florida.


Isotachs are types of contour lines that show equal wind speeds, most commonly used to display wind speeds in the upper levels of the atmosphere. This specific image is of the polar jet winds above the foothills of North Carolina. Polar jet winds are a contributing factor to winter storms and snow fall, that needs to be examined and watched.


Isobars are lines that measure equal or constant pressure on a graph or map. Isobars that are closely related in space are representing a similar magnitude and wind speed. These factors can be used to predict future weather patterns. This image is of closed Isobars surrounding a low pressure cell area.


LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a 3-D remote sensing technology that measures the properties of light to find the range of a distant target. This image is of lower manahatten, New York. This type of imagery was used to help examine and identify the amount and height of rubble created after the terrorist attack on 9/11.

Doppler Radar

A Doppler Radar is a key forecasting tool for the weather. They provide data about objects at a distance by beaming signals toward the target and analyzing the reflection they receive back, compared to the original signal. This doppler radar image above is of hurricane charlie and its location, showing the bands of weather expected in relation to its estimated location. These maps are very important for tracking dangerous hurricanes and storms.

Black and White Aerial photo

Black and White Aerial photos are very sensitive to blue light wavelengths. They are typically taken of landscapes and show different contrast levels with different filters used. The above photo is a common aerial image of a piece of land. The areas of development and highway roads are easily distinguishable from vegetation and wooded areas.

Infrared Aerial Photo

Infrared Aerial Photos are taken by satellites and high-altitude air-crafts.They have 3 distinct layers, each sensitive to different wavelengths or energy. They can be used to document and moniter changes in the environment. This photo shows an area of the Sacramento Deep Channel channel in California. You can clearly distinguish between the land features such as water, vegetation and buildings/constructions.

Cartographic Animations

Cartographic Animations create the illusion of movement by continuously displaying a series of individual frames to suggest the rate or direction of change. The map above is animating the change of locations for people in the US over the age of 65. The darker shades represent the higher percentage of this population. This makes it easier to see a definite and obvious shift in results from the 1st map to the 5th map.

Statistical Map

A Statistical Map shows the standard statistics of a certain factor over a specified period of time. In this map we see the percentages of people in Texas who are uninsured, grouped by counties. This is a good way to examine averages on a large scale, but would probably be more accurate if examined on a smaller scale.


A Cartogram is a map where a certain thematic variable is substituted in place of land area, distorting the appearance of the map to convey this variable. In this example, the variable represents the allotment of electoral votes throughout the United States. So the states are shaped and constructed around how many electoral votes the state is worth. In this map they use box shapes, but in other cartograms they use methods like "stretched" and "pulled" views.

Flow Map

Flow Maps are used to show the movement or path of objects from one location to the next. In this map we see the migration habits observed by residents of California. We can see where they moved to and how many people moved by the direction and size of the connecting lines. This is a good way to comparatively view popular re-location trends of americans.

Isoline Map

Isoline Maps use continous lines that are spatially placed to display value, joining together when they reach the same value and seperating when those values move further apart. This map shows data collected by NOAA, to convey climatology rates in a certain area. This is a good way to view climate and weather similarity between locations.

Proportional Circle Map

Proportional Circle Maps display recorded data for a location with relation to the size of the circle displayed there. In this map they are comparing the number of mexicans in each state on the Western side of the US. This is a good way to evaluate whether or not mexicans would be the minority in each state. It gives you a relative image of the size of the state and its population compared to the number of mexicans that would equally cover the ground area of that state.

Choropleth maps

 Choropleth maps are used for displaying standardized data like rates and percentages with shading of the proportional measurements. This is a map showing the overseas spending trends by overseas residents in Great Britain. This map could be used to view where tourism or spending is greater, by evaluating location based on the amount of money spent there.

Dot Distribution Map

Dot Distribution maps show where certain data characteristics occur using dots to show the number of occurrences. In this map, the dot distribution is representing the population in Virginia. They were specifically using this map to compare the actual population with the appearance and distribution of dots on the map and how countryside populations compared to inland populations.

Propaganda Map

Propaganda maps are used to persuade and influence people to believe something by manipulation. They do not follow the standards of accuracy or truth. This propaganda map is depicting World War I in Europe with the use of dogs placed on or near the specific countries location. The dogs are represented by breeds, with a hidden meaning and message to viewers of the relationships and interactions among the countries.

Hyposometric Map

 Hyposometric maps are used in topographic surveying and they show elevation by using countours, shading, tinting, etc. In this specific map of Dummerston Vermont,  they used a variety of colors and isohypses to display and distinguish between elevation as low as 230 feet and up to 1680 feet. Unlike down here in flat Florida, up in mountanious Vermont, I'm sure Hyposometric maps are used very often.


Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Mapsare used to survey and identify land parcels. This is a PLSS of North America showing the principal meridians and baselines that are used to survey the states that are in color. The standard units are townships or sections.

Cadastral Maps

A Cadastral map shows the boundaries and ownerships of land parcels. This specific index map is showing subdivisions of private lands categorized and labeled by pre-specified unique numbers for each parcel. Cadastral maps can also be labeled by survey district names, Certificate of Title numbers and positions of existing structures.

Thematic Maps

This is a Thematic Map displaying the spacial distribution of florida residents dollars per person (class), in order to view the value of sales per capita for retail trade. This type of map is created by organizations such as the Census Bureau, to help evaluate the economy.

Topographic Map
This is small topographic map of Cambell pond, which is a local lake in Leon County. This type of map is very helpful for lakes that are used for fishing because they show you the exact horizontal and vertical elevation, in this case depth of water, that you are fishing in. It is probably useful for choosing and scoping out which parts of the lake would be the most species-rich.

Planimetric Map

This is a Planimetric map of Portland, Oregon showing the horizontal positions of local natural and cultural features. It's main purpose seems to be to show the main water sources location in comparison with one another near the Portland area.

Mental Maps

This is a Mental Map of an individuals outlook on a theory called "Heartland". In this particular interpretation of the term, the artist is displaying the unity and hope that they see in the United States, a peaceful, loving, conjoined country . All 50 states oblique shapes are placed to outline a large heart while still keeping the scale of the states actual sizes in check.